emulation of Oscar Wilde’s “We are Made One with What We Touch and See” an excerpt from “Panthea”

We must learn to see past what we think

To find the true beauty that surrounds us all-

Because of the hidden artifacts of the world

Are often hidden to our eyes alone.


These artifacts do not need to be found,

Rather be seen and recognized for what they are.


They come in the form of the golden leaves

That cover the ground

And forewarn the oncoming cold.


They come in the form of the gentle wildflowers

That grow free and bring the colour

To the grassy greens they are on.


They come in the form of a stream’s flow

Going past the rocks,

Allowing soft ripples to form.


They come in the form of rays of sunlight

That create the colours of the world

When combined with the water of a storm.


They come in the form of a winter breeze

That brings the beautiful snowflakes

Closer to our face – only to melt at our touch.


They come in the form of a flickering light

That appears as a star in the dark night

As a reminder we are not alone in the cosmos.


To live with a blind eye to the beauty of the ordinary,

Means to live without seeing the true nature of the world.

It means to reject the opportunity we have

To admire what makes us who we are.


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