originally posted on ELA 10 PreAP Blog – the beauty of the moon

I am not like the sun,

for I am like the moon.

The moon that reflects the good in people,

the moon that shares only parts of what it is,

the moon that influences without even knowing.

It is weird to say that I am more like the object in space that was potentially created by debris, but I find the other aspects of the moon to far outshine those of the sun.

Even though the moon merely reflects the rays from the sun to get its glow, I recognize that I do the same. I don’t believe it is just the qualities that I was born with that make me, but the things I choose to accept into my life and share to the world. It is my attempt to reflect the parts of being human I like best.

It is important to remember that the moon is still more powerful than we may initially consider. It has power over the tides of the ocean, which cover 70% of our earth, and helps us in ways we don’t think about. It is smaller than the planet on which we reside but has a large influence on the length of our days and the speed of our winds. This is the influence I wish to have. Though the moon may not be as vital to the whole system of life as the sun may be, it is something that improves its quality. I associate myself with the moon.

I find its phases to be a beautiful quality of the celestial body. It shows how the object that is there in all its entirety, day in, day out, only shows certain portions of itself at certain times. I am like the moon when I consider how people perceive me in my life. They believe what they see, but I don’t always show all that could be seen. I live my life closed off and not wanting to expose too many details about myself – at certain times or to certain people. But this does not mean I don’t exist as a person with all the complications of being human. Like the moon, I am always there in my complete form, but maybe not to the naked eye.

It is with the knowledge I have acquired as a person on this earth that has helped me realize my limits and my strengths. I have learned that life is not centered around me and that to think it does is an act of vanity. I am just a mere result of the beauty of the universe and I accept my role within it.






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